Contract for difference

CFDs (Contracts for difference) are a form of derivative trading that enable you to attempt to net a potential profit by speculating on the rising or falling prices of fast-moving global financial markets (or products) such as shares, indices, commodities, currencies and treasuries.

Why trade CFDs?

  • Access to global markets
  • A wide variety of stock indices and energy
  • No shorting costs and rules
  • Low margins required

Why trade CFDs with Fxcg? Lower spreads • 100% DMA execution

Our offerings include:

US30 Dow Jones
US500 US500
UK100 FTSE 100
UT100 Nasdaq
ES35 Spain 35
DE30 German 30
FR40 France 40
EU50 Euro 50
HK50 Hang Seng
JP225 Nikkei 225
AUS200 Australia 200
COPPER High Grade Copper
NGAS Natural Gas
UKOIL Brent Crude

CFDs Trading Examples

Your trading gross profit is calculated as follows:

Open price


Closing price




Profit from exchange

125 points x 3 contracts=$375

Open a position

The price of China50 Index is 14261.00 / 14263.00. You think that the Chinese stock market may rise sharply, so you buy 3 contracts at 14263.00

Close out

When the China China50 Index rose to 14388.00 / 14389.00 a week later, you think the Chinese stock market will pull back, so you sell 3 contracts at 14388.00 to take profit.

CFDs Margin Calculation

* Based on the product you want to trade, estimate the minimum account balance you need to open a new position on the MT4 platform.

* forex margin calculation,please click here

* Bullion margin calculation, please click here

CFDs deal price:

Account leverage:

Lots size:

Margin Used:

Sign up now to get started! Open a Demo Account
Trading is risky and your entire investment may be at risk

Symbol Description Spread Type Min mum Tick Increment CFD Currency Contract Size per 1 Lot (Ounces) Min Trade Size(Lots) Max Trade Size(Lots) 3 Day Roll Trading Hours
Sunday Monday to Thursday Friday
UKOIL UK Crude Oil Float 0.001 USD 1000 0.01 20 Friday 01:05-22:00 01:05-22:00
USOIL UK Crude Oil Float 0.001 USD 1000 0.01 20 Friday  23:02-24:00 00:02-21:59 23:01-24:00 00:02-21:59
WTI WTI Crude Oil Futures CFD Float 0.001 USD 1000 0.01 20 23:02-24:00 00:02-21:59 23:01-24:00 00:00-21:59
Brent Brent Crude Futures CFD Float 0.001 USD 1000 0.01 20 23:02-24:00 00:02-21:59 23:01-24:00 00:02-21:59
Copper Copper Futures CFD Float 0.001 USD 10000 0.01 5 23:02-24:00 00:02-21:59 23:01-24:00 00:00-21:59
NGAS US Natural Gas Futures CFD Float 0.001 USD 10000 0.01 20 23:02-24:00 00:00-21:59 23:01-24:00 00:00-21:59
US200Roll Australia 200 Float 0.01 AUD 1 1 1000 Friday 23:50-24:00 00:00-05:30 06:10-21:00 22:50-24:00 00:00-05:30 06:10-21:00
EU50Roil EU Stocks 50 Float 0.01 EUR 1 1 1000 Friday 01:15-21:00 01:15-21:00
ESP35Roll Float 0.01 EUR 1 1 1000 Friday 07:00-19:00 07:00-19:00
FRA40Roll France 40 Float 0.01 EUR 1 1 1000 Friday 23:00-24:00 00:00-21:15 21:30-22:00 23:00-24:00 00:00-21:15
DE30Roll Germany 30 Float 0.01 EUR 1 1 1000 Friday 23:00-24:00 00:00-21:15 21:30-22:00 23:00-24:00 00:00-21:15
HK50Roll Hong Kong 50 Float 0.01 HKD 1 1 1000 Friday 01:15-04:00 05:00-08:30 09:15-19:00 01:15-04:00 05:00-08:30 09:15-19:00
UK100Roll UK 100 Float 0.01 GBP 1 1 1000 Friday 23:00-24:00 00:00-21:15 21:30-22:00 23:00-24:00 00:00-21:15
JP225Roll Japan 225 Float 0.1 JPY 1 1 1000 Friday 23:00-24:00 00:00-22:00 23:00-24:00 00:00-22:00
US30Roll US 30 Float 0.01 USD 1 1 1000 Friday 23:00-24:00 00:00-21:15 21:30-22:00 23:00-24:00 00:00-21:15 21:30-22:00 23:00-24:00
US500Roll US 500 Float 0.01 USD 1 1 1000 Friday 23:00-24:00 00:00-21:15 21:30-22:00 23:00-24:00 00:00-21:15 21:30-22:00 23:00-24:00
UT100Roll US Tech 100 Float 0.01 USD 1 1 1000 Friday 23:02-24:00 00:02-21:59 23:01-24:00 00:02-21:15 21:30-22:00
CHINA50 China 50 Float 0.01 USD 1 1 1000 01:00-08:30 09:00-20:45 01:00-08:30 09:00-20:45