01-06-2022      from:www.fxcg.com   author: FXCG

In observance of the coming holiday, the following FX, CFDs and Spot Metals will have different trading hours.

Symbol03/06 /202213/06 /202220/06 /2022
COPPERRegular HoursRegular HoursEarly close 21:30
NGASRegular HoursRegular HoursEarly close 21:30
BrentRegular HoursRegular HoursEarly close 20:15
WTIRegular HoursRegular HoursEarly close 20:15
UKOILRegular HoursRegular HoursEarly close 20:15
USOILRegular HoursRegular HoursEarly close 20:15
CHINA50Regular HoursRegular HoursRegular Hours
USDINDEXRegular HoursRegular HoursRegular Hours
AUS200RollRegular HoursLate open 11:10Regular Hours
DE30RollRegular HoursRegular HoursEarly close 23:00
ESP35RollRegular HoursRegular HoursRegular Hours
EU50RollRegular HoursRegular HoursRegular Hours
FRA40RollRegular HoursRegular HoursEarly close 23:00
HK50RollClosedRegular HoursRegular Hours
JP225RollRegular HoursRegular HoursEarly close 20:00
UK100RollRegular HoursRegular HoursEarly close 23:00
US30RollRegular HoursRegular HoursEarly close 20:00
US500RollRegular HoursRegular HoursEarly close 20:00
UT100RollRegular HoursRegular HoursEarly close 20:00
FXRegular HoursRegular HoursRegular Hours
BullionRegular HoursRegular HoursEarly close 21:30

*all times refer to GMT+3 (MT4)time.

FXCG Trade Team


before: FXCG Expiring Futures CFD Contracts Schedule 2022-05

next: FXCG Expiring Futures CFD Contracts Schedule 2022-06