03-07-2017      from:www.fxcg.com   author: FXCG

In considerations of security and convenience,etc,we decide to embark on the brand new domain name www.fxcg.com to replace the old one www.capstoneglobal.com on 10th July 2017. The new domain is much easier to memorise,”FX”is for forex, and“CG”is for Capstone Global.

The succinct domain makes it hard to imitate for the counterfeiters.We received the compliants from our customers before we revise our domain.The counterfeiters copy the offical website of Capstone Global entirely to induce the customers to deposit for making profit illegally . We strongly crack down such conduct .
With the concept of “simple but perfect“, The www.fxcg.com is well designed for better user experiences, not only displays information comprehensively , but also supports many services including Self-service accounts open ,deposit & withdraw and account management system as well as the multiple channel online customer service.

Client server Team

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